About project
The Impetus Project is a collection of educational activities for the benefit of the wider school community, parents and those interested in education. The foundation of the project is the use of the idea of TOC for Education and school peer mediation in response to the challenges posed to man living in the 21st century. The project is a platform for students and teachers and those involved in education to draw on in the acquisition of: critical thinking, communication and mediation skills, the development of entrepreneurial attitudes, as well as a number of competencies among which are: time management, group work, decision-making.
The direct beneficiaries of the project are elementary school students, i.e. children and adolescents aged 6-15, and the teachers who teach them. Parents are an important part of the project. All these groups learn about the philosophy and tools of TOC and are invited to use them at school during lessons and for personal purposes. Teachers, during training sessions with certified TOC trainers, learn about the methodology of working with these tools, their possibilities for developing the important qualities of critical thinking. Parents understand the role and use of TOC tools during lessons. After training, they know how to use them and how to support their children in using these tools. Parents are also invited to share their knowledge and actively participate in their children’s education.

The project involves the dissemination of TOC tools, by teaching students, teachers and parents to use them. It is intended to contribute to the development of key competencies of the 21st century, which include learning critical and creative thinking, communication, cooperation, the ability to set and achieve goals, perceive cause and effect relationships; perceive, name and solve problems; set goals, strive to achieve them.
Next, the project involves the development of fluent communication and peaceful conflict resolution skills by equipping a group of students with mediation knowledge and mediator competencies. As a result of these activities, a form of mediator group capable of undertaking peer mediation can be formed at school. That is, a group of students who understand the causes of conflicts and know how to attempt effective communication to bring conflicting parties to understand their angst and try to find a good solution for everyone.
Another important aspect of the project is to pay attention to proactive attitudes. Students, in the project’s assumptions, acquire skills and knowledge during lessons at school that have their application in shaping them as people who understand reality, who learn communication based on understanding their needs and distinguishing them from strategies (here often called demands), and who communicate in a way that does not hurt themselves or others. The function of shaping proactive attitudes is also played by the part of the project concerning the formation of knowledge and entrepreneurial attitudes.
The international exchange of teachers and students planned in the project, as well as cooperation between countries, is expected to contribute to the creation of knowledge, exchange of experiences, openness, broadening the perspective of seeing the world around us. International contacts also play a motivational role, as they are an attractive and interesting form of sharing knowledge and skills. They open up to linguistic cultural and worldview distinctiveness, and provide an opportunity to experience different thinking about education and its implementation.
Sharing of innovative practices in the implementation of the school program is also one of the important goals of the project. Sharing knowledge, developing teaching strategies using TOC tools, mediation, entrepreneurship all these take place on many levels. That is:
- in the form of training of teachers and parents in partner countries,
- in written form as lesson plans and training materials, guidebooks for teachers and parents,
- through conferences.

Anykščių Educational Support Center

Instituto Comprensivo "Berlinguer"

NSP Lokomotywa
Associated partners

We had strong cooperation with key institutions involved in TOC and mediation.
TOC for Education – President Kathy Suerken.
Support at every stage of the project, international certification of project participants teachers and students. Substantive support during the project from entrepreneurship, meetings with students. Opportunity to share the results of the IMPETUS TOC project during international virtual meetings. The organization provided content support during the project, shared its own training materials. During the pandemic, members of the organization shared tips and experience on how to train participants virtually during international training, the exchange of experience allowed trainers from Poland to better prepare for the project meetings. Huge support in the sphere of dissemination of the project.
The TOCfE Mexico organization together with TOC for Education were eager to share examples of the application of TOC tools in mediation, members shared their experience.
Participation in TOC for Education’s international conferences with all IMPETUS TOC project partners allowed us to receive feedback during the project from different parts of the world from experts in the field of education.
In turn, thanks to the involvement of TOC for Education Japan, we had the opportunity to consult the project with entrepreneurial representatives of the business world in Japan. The on-line nature of business week and the virtual meetings of students from partner schools required adaptation to the students’ abilities and needs. Therefore, we invited Yumiko Yoshida, who connects the world of business and TOC in Japan, to participate in the business week, to share with students what key competencies in employees are sought after by employers, and how critical thinking tools can support them in acquiring these competencies.
For more information please visit the website: https://w.tocforeducation.com/home.html