

These trainings were directed to teachers, educators and education professionals who have received training in TOC tools for Education.

The project training activities are aimed to provide primary school teachers with a broad set of experiences about the TOC tools for Education and school mediation.

TOC tools have their great potential for shaping thought patterns and developing critical thinking. They also have just as much potential for working on communication and for psychoeducation. Above all, the conflict cloud, as the name of the tool suggests, can be used to illustrate opposing demands, and thus is an excellent tool for personal work and for working in a pair or group on an existing conflict.

During the training activities 6 selected teachers from Lithuania, 7 teacher form Italy and 28 teachers from Poland  were involved in a training course composed by 1 three-day and  1 four-day online (stationary for Poland) specialization courses held transversely to the project partners countries:

  • Italy – February 2020 and  March 2021 – April 2021
  • Lithuania – February 2020 and March 2021 – June 2021
  • Poland – February 2020 and  February 2021 – June 2021

The training were finished with TOC international certificaates.

To initiate the process of teachers’ selection to be involved in the project training activities, a committee of experts among the partners has identified the following hierarchy of criteria:

Criteria 1
Favour teachers who are willing to participate to the whole short term mobility training. People who guaranteed the participation to all the courses had a preferential right to participate.

Criteria 2
Teachers had to receive a permission to participate from the headmaster of the school where they belong.

Criteria 3
Teachers that had a strong interest in TOC tools for Education and school mediation had a higher priority in the selection.

Criteria 4
Teachers required to master the English language at a level suitable to attend the courses.

Criteria 5
The selection had to guarantee the equal opportunities for men and women.

Schedule of training for all partners in Italy:

  • 17.02.2020 Introduction to TOC
  • 18.02.2020 Logic branch for curriculum and Logic branch for changing behaviour
  • 19.02.2020 Conflict resolution cloud

First training held place in Ragusa. The aim was to implement the TOC methodology for teachers, culminating in an international TOC certificate after the entire training series. It was a very intensive training, but thanks to the great commitment of all participants, the goal was achieved. Teachers gained the necessary knowledge and basic skills to start implementing TOC in their own organisations.

The second training was a very intensive workshop culminating in an international TOC Certificate. Due to COVID, the format of the training for Lithuania and Italy was changed and delivered online. The Polish teachers received the training on site.

Aware of the fact that this training is one of the most important activities in the project determining the quality of the results and due to the limitations of organising the workshop online,

we decided to organise a series of trainings separately for each partner with online consultations according to the needs of the individual participants. At the end, participants had to confirm their knowledge and skills necessary to receive the international TOC certificate. Thanks to the skills of our Polish coaches, who are top-class international trainers, this goal was achieved and all participants completed the training with a certificate. A total of 28 teachers from Poland, 6 teachers from Lithuania and 7 teachers from Italy received International TOC certificates.

Schedule of online training for Lithuania:

  • 04.03.2021 – 1 online session
  • 16.03.2021 – 2nd online session
  • 18.03.2021 – 3rd online session
  • 22.04.2021 – 4th online session CERTIFICATION

Online consultation throughout

Schedule of online training for Italy:

  • 29.03.2021 – 1 online session
  • 15.04.2021 – 2nd online session
  • 27.04.2021 – 3rd session online training
  • 14.06.2021 – 4th session online training CERTIFICATION

Online consultation throughout

Training schedule for Poland:

I group:

  • 30.11.2019 – 1st session
  • 04.01.2020 – 2 nd session
  • 29.05.2021 – 3 rd session CERTIFICATION

II group:

  • 16.10.2021 – 1st meeting
  • 27.11.2021 – 2nd meeting
  • 29.01.2022 – 3rd meeting
  • 19.03.2022 – 4th session
  • 09.04.2022 – 4th session for absent participants
  • 23.04.2022 – 5th session CERTFICATION


Students from each country worked for many months on an enterprise project with the use of TOC and mediation tools.

The project consisted of several stages. The students decided to make keychains in Ukrainian colours and donate them for sale at the school festival and the funds go to support those affected by the war in Ukraine.  

First, the eighth-grade students received training on the TOC thinking tool – the Tree of Ambitious Purpose and how to use it in project work and planning. After the training, the students worked with the Ambitious Goal Tree method while developing a plan for the production of keychains.

Students from each country worked for The next training meetings were about what a business plan is, how to create one, what components it should contain.  A jewellery designer was invited to the project, who helped design the keychains and taught how to use jewellery-making tools. Students met several times with an outside expert and teachers completing and creating more components of the business plan.  

The eighth-grade students created about 200 keychains, which they sold at school and at a fair, raising funds to support those affected by the war in Ukraine.  

Then students from partner schools met virtually during „Business Week” during which they participated for 3 days in presentations on:

    • external financing, 
    • psychology in business – group work 
    • marketing strategies 
    • global market  

During this event, students from partner schools met virtually to talk about their activities, teamwork, difficulties and successes. On the last day, the students were reunited with TOC President Kathy Suerken, who virtually presented each project participant with a certificate. There was time to celebrate together.  A total 54 students participated in the workshop: 24 form Poland, 21 from Italy and 9 from Lithuania.

Training schedule:

    • 28.03.2022 – ATT training
    • 13.04.2022 – Business plan
    • 20.04.2022 – Business plan
    • 06-08.06.2022 – Business week


It was very effective workshop “How to develop children’s critical thinking skill in the family”. Parents with trainers tried to find the best solutions  how to raise the critical thinking by using TOC tools. They worked with  framework of the Parent`s handbook developed during the project. The expierience during thids workshops wer included into final version of the  Parent`s handbook. A total of  20 parents from Poland participated in the workshops.

Training schedule:

    • 27.09.2021
    • 07.10.2021
Impetus TOC